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Gian-Paolo (GP) Caminiti
Founder and Principal

Following studies in the US, GP received his graduate and post-doctoral training in Germany and lived in Europe for 15 years. Together with partners in Munich and the UK, he first worked as a global business consultant providing multinational clients with performance improvement and executive coaching services across four continents before settling in NJ to develop his own and other renewable energy companies. 


The Ecology of Business Operations

Built environments form the 'hardware' which give your business a home, while its human inhabitants create the 'software' of habits, attitudes, and behaviors to make the business run. Both areas combine to form the structure of business operations, and they go together with potentially beneficial (or destructive) effects to the bottom line.  In accounting terms, your business' built environment is generally described as overhead and operating expenses, while your human activities are generally recorded as revenue generation. Both deserve attention because both contribute to profitability, and both areas need scrutiny to reveal all of the resources they offer and how these might best be optimized.

For more than 20 years, Site Resource Solutions has been helping  clients to uncover, map, and develop their resources to increase performance and improve results. Our multi-disciplinary team of consultants is comprised of experts in hard and soft business skills, IT, and renewable energy/building technologies. A deep network of partners allows us to scale and expand services as needed, across town or across the globe, from high-level strategizing to boots-on-the ground deployment. Our goal is to support our clients and the businesses they run, based on the conviction that most businesses (like most individuals) would rather be exceptional than average. Resource optimization is the key to creating and maintaining exceptional businesses.  

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