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A Fortune 500 legacy airline was seeking to refocus and train its global cargo salesforce, including C-level management, to align with 21st-century logistics realities. Spanning 20 countries and 3 years, the project team implemented the global strategy of value-added services to capture new market share, increasing both revenue and profitability without hiring new staff. Following project completion, auditing of all costs and gains by an independent third-party revealed a pre-tax return-on-investment of 600%.  


A NJ-based specialty retailer was facing intense pressure from online sellers to its pricing structure and brick-and-mortar operations. Strategic focus was placed on management and staff to increase emphasis on a 'third-place' customer experience and to shift the ratio of products to services sold. Upselling to premium services and products allowed the company to protect its market share and profitability. The project team provided one-on-one training to all key managers and staff to develop new behaviors, resulting in higher sales and profit per headcount. Staff turnover was also reduced. 


 One of the nation's largest pharmacy store chains wanted to explore the financial viability of solar electricity for its 8,600 retail locations across the US and Caribbean.  Accordingly, our project team mapped out the most favorable locations according to pricing and incentives, providing the client with two key innovations: customized solar equipment to avoid physical changes to the store locations (owned by others), and an operating lease program to finance the equipment without any upfront costs (capital expense) to the client. This allowed the company to retain its cash for core business costs, while providing a competitive edge through electricity rates locked in for 25 years.     


 After years of successful business practice, the owner of a manufacturing company in NJ sought our services to capture and manage resources  in two locations: the company's core manufacturing plant, and the private home of the owner. At the plant, we designed a solar photovoltaic array to lock-in electricity costs during the four-year payback period and to provide decades of free electricity thereafter. Privately,  the owner was seeking to build an off-the-grid retreat on a remote, wooded site to deliberate her next career and legacy steps. SRS contributed design and project management services to deliver solar power, rainwater harvesting, and composting waste systems to the site.    

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